Marketing Canvas - Moments

Marketing Canvas - Moments

This article offers an in-depth exploration of 'Moments' in the marketing journey - crucial touchpoints that define customers' interactions with your business. From discovering your product to post-purchase stages, these Moments shape customer perception and engagement. We delve into how to identify and understand these Moments, employing strategies like Google's SEE-THINK-DO-CARE framework. The piece also covers evaluation methods for your Moments strategy, offering a scoring system that helps businesses pinpoint areas of improvement. Through a real-world example, it illustrates how this concept can be applied practically, fostering effective, empathetic marketing strategies. This article is a must-read for marketers, entrepreneurs, and anyone eager to enhance their customer experience and overall business success.

Resources for Course on Customer Experience

Resources for Course on Customer Experience

List of resources (books, articles, video, website) that I recommend you to visit if you are interested in the Customer Experience topic. I am using these resources during my classes @SolvayBrusselsSchool and during workshops.