
Marketing Canvas - Step 2 - Set Your Goals

Marketing Canvas - Step 2 - Set Your Goals

In the Marketing Canvas Process, after having finalised your assessment, you should discuss potential scenarios that will help you achieve your goal(s). An interesting perspective for this phase is to use the scenarios proposed by Tiffani Boffa in her book Growth IQ.

6 simple principles for your marketing strategy

6 simple principles for your marketing strategy

6 simple principles that could help you when working on your Marketing Strategy. Some companies are trying to be perfect before moving to step 4. While we should always do our best at step 1-3, I believe the most important are 4-6.

Growth in a Digital World

Growth in a Digital World

By 2020 every business will become a digital predator or digital prey — which will your company evolve into? 5 attitudes you should have if you want to create growth in a this new digital world.