Happy to announce that a one-pager quick assessment guide is now available for download. Sometimes before doing a full assessment which is really what the method is all about, some persons or companies might appreciate a first quick assessment for opening the discussion. Even though we are missing the nuances provided by the full version, it can be a nice conversation starter.
Marketing Canvas - Market and Economic Value
Le Marché dans le Marketing Canvas
Dans l’enthousiasme de travailler sur sa stratégie marketing, on se précipite souvent et oublie l’importance de ce que je considère comme la première étape: la compréhension du marché dans lequel nous allons opérer (startup) ou nous opérons déjà (entreprise existante). Il y a 3 questions importantes à se poser lorsqu’on analyse le marché. C’est questions sont: …
6 simple principles for your marketing strategy
Marketing Strategy Execution - How to start a movement?
Marketing Strategy for Millennials from Marketing Cloud
3 Cs in a Digital World
Interesting article from Roland Berger Consultants about Sales in a Digital World. Their thesis is that you need to master 3 Cs if you want to have a voice in this new world:
- Develop the Customer Base: It is definitely in line with what I am preaching. You should not only focus on acquisition but also on stimulation and retention. The CLV dimension of the Marketing Canvas is telling you how much you perform versus your ambition;
- Orchestrate the Channel: I also agree but I would extend this to Orchestrate the Customer Journey as it is much broader than channel and it is integrating elements like Brand experience, touch-points, emotions and wow moments.
- Manage the complexity: it is maybe fluffy as notion. We all know that we should manage the complexity, the question is how should I do that. One possible answer is in the article when they discussed centralisation. I think the key element there is to automate your processes (BPM, scripting, algorithms, ...) in order to reduce the chaos and uncertainty. but don't forget to keep the human part.
Source: Roland Berger, Think Act, The digital future of B2B sales
New Business Models in a Digital Future
In a world strongly influenced by new technologies, new business models are emerging for brands. We usually defined this new world as a digital world but what digital really means? In this presentation, I explore the impact of digital and propose some recommandations that could help defining new ways of creating and capturing value.
You need a SHARP Value Proposition
Why you need a bold question for your Marketing Strategy?
Pricing Sensitivity Drivers From Thomas Nagle
How To Define Your Commercial Plan for Your Startup with Marketing Canvas?
When you work on your commercial strategy for your startup, you can facilitate this conversation with using the Marketing Canvas (more on the canvas here). Please find below 10 steps you should follow:
What is your goal? Big Idea? Define a question that will clarify your projected future like How can we achieve 1M€ after one year of operation? How can we generate 5% growth next year? How can we differentiate our brand in a digital world where predictive technologies driven by AI will become a standard?
What is the problem you are trying to solve? Clarify the job to be done for your customers.
Who is our buyer and user? Define your persona.
If not you who else? Define the category where you are playing and what are the alternatives for your buyer.
How do you want to be remembered? What people will say about you? Your BRAND
What is your answer to the problem your buyer has? What is your value proposition? Do you have USP, ESP, Clear Pricing and Proofs?
What experience people will have with you? Will it generate sales and engagement? JOURNEY
How do you discuss with your buyer? Do you have conversations? Do you listen? Do you have content, stories, influencers? Which media do you use?
Does it make any financial sense? What is your Marketing Budget and Revenue?
If you don't think it all works, iterate one more time
As a startup, you should define your strategic hypothesis. It is slightly different than an existing business because you are starting from a white page.
Part 1- Target, Positioning
Define your key customer target (JTBD, ASPIRATION, PAINS & GAINS). As you are starting your business, you have no information on ENGAGEMENT.
Define your Brand strategy (PURPOSE and POSITIONING) and explain how you will differentiate your brand versus competitors. Explain what could be the VALUES of this brand and your IDENTITY strategy.
Define your Value Proposition (FEATURES, EMOTIONS and PRICING). Describe core, differentiated and unique features/emotions to support your Brand Strategy, matching your customer target and helping you to achieve your financial objectives. Do you have any PROOFS supporting your value proposition?
Part 2- Go To Market
Define your go to market approach and more specifically: Describe funnel journey (pre and post purchase) for your go to market: MOMENTS, EXPERIENCE, CHANNEL and MAGIC. Don't forget to align this with your brand strategy.
Describe your conversation strategy for your go to market. LISTENING, CONTENT, MEDIA and INFLUENCERS if any.
Part 3 - Metrics
Define your hypothesis in terms of metrics for your business: ACQUISITION (speed of acquisition), ARPU (average spending for each customer on the 12 months), LIFETIME (your churn assumption) and BUDGET (amount of € needed for supporting your strategy).
Use the canvas and answer to these questions using all dimension while asking the same question:
Will my .... help me to achieve my goal?
RED: Not at all; GREEN: Definitely
Visualise your Commercial Strategy on Marketing Canvas
RED dimension must be reviewed or mitigated because that are not helping you to achieve your goal.
Interested in the Marketing Canvas, you can find more information here.
Startup Failure Rate Statistics To Take In [2020] - https://hustlelife.net/startup-failure-rate-statistics/
Steve Blank - Startup Tools - https://steveblank.com/tools-and-blogs-for-entrepreneurs/
MosCOW Rules For Setting Marketing Priorities
Future of Marketing is Love (by Mark Schaefer)
Future of Marketing Is Love
Interesting article from Mark Schaefer on Marketing and Love.
In a world of Infinite Segmentation where Brand building is out of control, all you need is love. People want to be acknowledged … and loved … more than anything. The vast technological opportunities at our doorstep are the way we can scale love.
The Marketing Canvas could help you navigating in this hyper-empowered consumer world! Don't know the canvas, discover it here.
How to Assess your Marketing Situation With the Marketing Canvas?
One clear objective of the Marketing Canvas is to facilitate debate and discussion around a clear strategic challenge question. Most of the specialists of the leadership topic agree that one of the key reason why strategy is failing is because the decision that has to be made is unclear! When you do the strategic marketing exercise, you need to be crystal clear about which question you are trying to answer.
Interview by Scott King
Infographic on the Marketing Canvas Process
The tool has been designed for facilitating the discussion when designing your strategy.
High-level process is:
- You start from an ambition/question (like increase revenue by 5%, have more digital transactions, be more meaningful, ...)
- You discuss using the 28 dimensions asking:
- What's blocking you to achieve your ambition? (brakes)
- What's helping you (Accelerator)?
- You can support this rating using any information, knowledge you have but it works also if you only rely on qualitative information.
- Then you map your answer on the Canvas. Red are brakes; Green are accelerators.
- Then you try to analyse these brakes/accelerators and understands what cause them, what are the correlation.
- Then you start ideating (brain-writing, co-create, ...), find crazy or impossible ideas) on what you could do (magic diamond, do things better, do different things).
- Then you prioritise your ideas.
- If you can you test it.
- Then you have your action plan.
Infographic Marketing Canvas
AI is Changing Marketing
Excellent article from Andrew Stephen on Forbes about Artificial Intelligence and how it is changing Marketing. 4 main highlights (extracted from the article I invite you to read)