Marketing Leadership

Quick Assessment Guide

Quick Assessment Guide

Happy to announce that a one-pager quick assessment guide is now available for download. Sometimes before doing a full assessment which is really what the method is all about, some persons or companies might appreciate a first quick assessment for opening the discussion. Even though we are missing the nuances provided by the full version, it can be a nice conversation starter.

Marketers, You Should Unlock The Next Decade

As CMOs gain more power in the boardroom — and over technology spend — it will be critical that they understand the factors that drive success.

AI is Changing Marketing

Excellent article from Andrew Stephen on Forbes about Artificial Intelligence and how it is changing Marketing. 4 main highlights (extracted from the article I invite you to read)

Marketers, How Technology Enhances Creativity?

Technology does not quell creativity, in fact, there’s a great deal of evidence that suggests that technology enhances creativity.  Certainly, we are expected to be more creative in our working lives than a generation ago.  The truth is that by expanding possibilities and automating part of the creative process, we can all be more creative and productive.

Why you should be a Smart Creative Marketer?

Why you should be a Smart Creative Marketer?

In this new era where everything is accelerated by technological changes, Marketers are also deeply impacted. They can't stand still. They definitely have to reconsidered their job, their approach and finally their profession, Now. What should they do? How should they do that? While there is not one answer to this question, I use the label Smart Creative Marketers for defining what a future Marketer is! But what does it really mean, let me tell you. 

A quoi sert un responsable du Marketing?

A quoi sert un responsable du Marketing?

Dans une étude publiée en 2013 sur le site Business Insider, le graduat en Marketing est considéré comme un des 10 diplômes les plus inutiles! C'est une vrai question que l'on peut se poser: Est-ce vraiment des études sérieuses? Est-ce que le métier du marketing est un métier qui apporte de la valeur à l'entreprise ou est-ce un métier dont on peut de débarrasser rapidement, un métier fourre-tout voir même un métier fluffy pour reprendre une expression anglaise difficilement traduisible.