Article (EN)

Beyond the 4Ps: The Marketing Canvas Approach and the Power of Understanding Customer Aspirations

Beyond the 4Ps: The Marketing Canvas Approach and the Power of Understanding Customer Aspirations

Explore the transformation of marketing strategies as we compare the traditional 4Ps approach with the customer-aspiration-focused Marketing Canvas. Discover how understanding customer dreams and ideals can lead to more effective marketing strategies and stronger customer relationships.

Quick Assessment Guide

Quick Assessment Guide

Happy to announce that a one-pager quick assessment guide is now available for download. Sometimes before doing a full assessment which is really what the method is all about, some persons or companies might appreciate a first quick assessment for opening the discussion. Even though we are missing the nuances provided by the full version, it can be a nice conversation starter.

Marketing Canvas - Step 1 - Market Assessment

Marketing Canvas  - Step 1 - Market Assessment

Explore the intricacies of the Marketing Canvas method through an in-depth guide, enhanced with a case study from the eco-friendly cleaning products industry. Ideal for marketers and entrepreneurs seeking to build a robust marketing strategy.

Marketing Canvas and Customers

Marketing Canvas and Customers

When working on the Customers part of the Marketing Canvas, you are trying to identify relevant and actionable triggers (you can also call it insights) that you will try to leverage through the other dimensions of the canvas. We have 4 dimensions you can play with for identifying these triggers (JTBD, ASPIRATIONS, PAINS & GAINS, ENGAGEMENT).

Marketing Canvas - Step 2 - Set Your Goals

Marketing Canvas - Step 2 - Set Your Goals

In the Marketing Canvas Process, after having finalised your assessment, you should discuss potential scenarios that will help you achieve your goal(s). An interesting perspective for this phase is to use the scenarios proposed by Tiffani Boffa in her book Growth IQ.

Marketing Canvas - Market and Economic Value

Economic value can be described as a measure of the benefit from a good or service to an economic agent. It is typically measured in units of currency. Another interpretation is that economic value represents the maximum amount of money an agent is willing and able to pay for a good or service.

Why you should be a Smart Creative Marketer?

Why you should be a Smart Creative Marketer?

In this new era where everything is accelerated by technological changes, Marketers are also deeply impacted. They can't stand still. They definitely have to reconsidered their job, their approach and finally their profession, Now. What should they do? How should they do that? While there is not one answer to this question, I use the label Smart Creative Marketers for defining what a future Marketer is! But what does it really mean, let me tell you.